des singes
Deprecated: Non-static method dt::str() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\classes\class.blogpost.php on line 126
Strict Standards: Non-static method dt::_callback() should not be called statically in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\libs\ on line 35
18:47 dans la rubrique Man in Black
/ #462
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Conçue par BD-Force, réalisée par Georges Pop et dessinée par Maret pour le compte de la multinationale Lexmark, cette affiche, en anglais, a été utilisée à des fins de communication interne. Elle a été affichée dans les locaux de l'entreprise et a servi de support à des séminaires sur le thème 'A Culture Change'.
Maret Le Miblog
1. Le Deprecated: Non-static method dt::str() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\classes\class.blogcomment.php on line 103 Strict Standards: Non-static method dt::_callback() should not be called statically in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\libs\ on line 35 mercredi 03 mars 2010 à Deprecated: Non-static method dt::str() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\classes\class.blogcomment.php on line 116 Strict Standards: Non-static method dt::_callback() should not be called statically in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\libs\ on line 35 12:18, par Aldo
2. Le Deprecated: Non-static method dt::str() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\classes\class.blogcomment.php on line 103 Strict Standards: Non-static method dt::_callback() should not be called statically in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\libs\ on line 35 mercredi 03 mars 2010 à Deprecated: Non-static method dt::str() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\classes\class.blogcomment.php on line 116 Strict Standards: Non-static method dt::_callback() should not be called statically in D:\www\www765\dotclear\inc\libs\ on line 35 13:50, par mib
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